Saturday 17 April 2010

Welcome to the Bobbenco blog!

Hello dear friend,

As you can see this is the Bobbenco blog. In case you didn't know Bobbenco is an independent brand making unique, kitsch jewellery and soft toys. As this is the first entry of the blog I shall keep it brief. The blog will be here to update what is happening in the world of Bobbenco, whats new, what worked, what didn't work, how the stuff is selling etc. I would also like to use this blog as a forum for your ideas for new Bobbenco products - they will be taken seriously so post comments!

As of today the website is getting towards completion so I will post up a link to it asap. It will accept card payments as well as Paypal and very affordable delivery costs! Watch this space.

Love and pie,

Bobben x